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Thursday, March 31, 2011

I don't even know if I'll keep this account open... I love you all, don't get me wrong, I'm just really hooked on Tumblr. Anyone interested?

Come visit and follow me there, if you'd like!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Eh. No title this time. :-)

And with a flash of lightning

Everything changes

The longing, the hope, the flare of excitement

Suddenly turns to fear.

Awful, frightening fear.

Once you obtain the unattainable,

It's not pretty, shiny, new anymore.

Even the thing you dreamt about just the night before

Can become a burden

A chore-- once it's yours.

Desires are healthy.

It's scary to have someone wrapped around your finger.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The little things are what make up life

Each individual rain drop

Contributes in creating a storm

Every hailstone

Breaks another person's windshield

Equally, every single misfortune

Make the world what it is today.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

To you guys

Dear Readers,

I really wish you all would comment more on my poems. I feel very discouraged.


Monday, December 27, 2010


When you look through broken glass

Everything appears shattered

And your world is broken

Too many pieces to even count,

Let alone put it all back together.

Sometimes it's easier to let everything remain tattered and cry about it

It's not as if you can fix life

But when you take the easy way out,

Out is where you stay. 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

How am I supposed to love you

When I have this much anger toward you?

How am I supposed to smile when I look at you

When all you do is disgust me?

How am I supposed to dream about you

When you hurt me so badly?

How am I supposed to love you--

When I hate you? 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

It Hurts To Say Goodbye

Your smiles are my smiles
Your tears are my tears
Your broken heart is my broken soul
And it hurts to say goodbye

I need you in my life
But lately you're so far
We keep each other centered
And it hurts to say goodbye

For a fleeting moment you came back
You opened up the door
But then you fled, oh you fled
And it hurts to say goodbye

I don't know what to tell you
I can't respond to your cries
And when we rarely say hello
It hurts to say goodbye.