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Monday, November 22, 2010

You're not talking to the world...

Well you're not talking to the world

You're talking to me

Even though I could easily be your world

I care how you feel

What you think

What you have to say

Because I care about you

And all that comes with

~Why doesn't he see it? 


  1. hullo Livabug(:
    so i've been away for a while (camping. beach. amazing, as always)
    its so cool how we both post poetry, live in the USA, and are sophomore girls. i think you're a little louder than me, considering what i've read about you. haha!
    so you're an AMAZING poet.
    i love the way you say everything from your heart, like everything inside of you. (through poetry!)
    i have some great friends out there in arizona. they're in Flagstaff, Phoenix, Tucson, and Gilbert.
    haha well i guess i'll keep up with you through commenting, yeah?
    later, cool random dudette(:

  2. Hey! Thank you so much!!!
    I always love reading comments!
    Especially yours, since we have so much in common. ^___^
    That's so cool! I live like five blocks away from Phoenix. :-)
    Do you ever come out here?
    It'd be cool to meet you. :D
